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You have filtered events according to the following criteria:
Day: Monday, 08.07.2024
Events found : 3

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Date Short description Place
Monday, 08.07.2024 14:00 Uhr - 17:00 Uhr, Wilster
(Ev.-Luth. Kirchengemeinde Wilster)
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category image church Monday, 08.07.2024 16:00 Uhr - 18:00 Uhr, Itzehoe
Festprogramm: Feierabendtreff
(Ev.-Luth. Dietrich-Bonhoeffer-Kirchengemeinde Itzehoe)
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category image church Monday, 08.07.2024 16:00 Uhr - 18:00 Uhr, Itzehoe
Feierabendbier und Brezel
(Ev.-Luth. Dietrich-Bonhoeffer-Kirchengemeinde Itzehoe)
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3 events
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